Saturday, March 26, 2011

Who Ever Thought!

Who Ever Thought that running an at home business, being a mom with a 3 1/2 and a 4month old, being a wife, housekeeper, chef, laundress, and bill payer would be easier than a regular 9-5.   I have no regrets, although i would challenge anyone who deems this to be easier. lol.  Starting a business has been challenging... after almost two years of researching, i realized that what i was out to accomplish was almost impossible to have done locally or even nationally.  Who ever thought!   I had to overcome the "going out of the country" issue. I have a global mindset, just wanted to keep things in perspective especially while so many companies and jobs in the US were dwindling.  I found a great "green" manufacturer which was able to accomodate my wants.  Shortly after that i was "schooled" in manufacturing because i assumed i could just order x amount of shirts in size 12M  NOT  i had to send specs, thread size, seem lengths and on and on ~ Who ever thought!  I quickly realized that i had a lot to learn about being in the clothing industry.  Of course every minute i was loving this because it was a new challenge for me.  So after getting that end tied up then i had to make sure my business name was registered, artwork was copyright, etc.  Who Ever Thought ~ it was so complicated to run a little business out of my home!  So for the past 3 months i have been sending samples to boutique childrens stores and only to hear that our shirts are "adorable, cute, and classic" but not for their stores.  Ok i know i am going to hear this alot, but i am so waiting for just one store to say YES we will try them out !  That will be a great day!  Soon have many questions for friends to help me with in regards to the future of Shanie and Sallie.  But for today...

Grace and Peace,

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